Sunday, July 30, 2006

My First Time

Ok, this is my first time at this stuff. I feel like the ultimate dork! Five years ago, I knew how to do just about anything asked of me having to do with a computer and the Internet/email. Today, I can't tell you exactly what an Ipod is, do not own one, and have no idea how to use them. And today, I had to learn what a Blog is. Hey, everyone else is doing it... Why can't I? So, I am gonna just do it! Maybe I waited because I was scared no one would be interested in what I did, or what I had to say. Who cares?
Today I was L... A... Z... Y. Isn't that what Sundays are for? I watched TV all day, did a few loads of laundry, and scrapbooked. Yes, I am a scrapaholic. If I had to choose, working on my scrapbooks is real high on my priority list, and one of my favorite pasttimes. Some days I would love to call out sick from work and spend an entire day doing something that I love. But, I have not done that, because I am too responsible, too honest. I put everyone else's needs in front of my own. How boring is that??
Question of the day (this is where I want feedback people): How can we make me less boring, more fun and exciting? I should be able to still be a "responsible adult" while having FUN.
I will be working on getting some pictures in here, some jokes that make my "A" list, and other things more fascinating.
Well, enough playing for one night. It is going to be one of those week's where there just isn't enough coffee to keep me going.

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